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Sunday, May 16, 2010

paid per review

Hobby on the Internet that conected with write  in this blog is to follow the program paid to review (PTR), an Internet business program where we are as a blogger is required to write a review about the product / website / whatever suit the advertiser. To be able megnikuti PTR business, at least you have a blog and has a PageRank 2, if I can blog you must speak English. PTR because most brokers only receive English language blogs that although there are who accept written in Indonesian. after fulfilling these criteria, then you need to register the PTR brokers. there are many PTR Brokers on the internet, several of which are: Blogvertise, sponsoredreviews, Smorty, ReviewMe and many others. In every review we generally paid between $ 2 - $ 500, depending Nikai our blog. because the higher the PageRank your blog, the higher the value of a blog. PLAY this business, the value of a bloh not only determined by google, pagerank, but some brokers PTR also saw alexa rank, technorati rank, and link popularity to determine the value of a blog. Indonesian-speaking if your blog, you can follow, because in addition to receiving Indonesian-language blogs that we can also determine the fee that we receive. we can determine our paid between $ 5 - $ 500 per REVIEWnya. and for the blog that you can follow-up berbahas english with blogvertise, Smorty, ReviewMe, and many more. however, here we can not determine such a fee on sponsorereviews, so that we can do is wait until someone advertiser who wants in the review. untu start this business, the following steps can help you: 1. have domains that have a PageRank 2 and above. how to buy a domain that already berpagerank around $ 20 or purchase a new domain name until it has a pagerank. 2. berpagerank didomain create your blog. content by posting 10-20 and set the time you look supay ablog been three months. 3. list to the broker paid review. blogvertise example, sponsoredreviews, Smorty and others. 4. after the new-approve the bid submitted to advertise for sponsoredreviews, take in the GBT (Grab Bag Task) Blogvertise. 5. reviewing the work began. if you trouble to discuss the content of english, you can menghubuhi content writer services at a cost of about $ 1 for a single post about 200 words. good luck and success.

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